
My Story

For most of my life, I was on the heavier side. I was unhealthy for as long as I could remember, even in High School... truth be told, I failed P.E in my sophomore year.

I found that it was miserable to exercise being overweight. It took me over 15 years to get to a comfortable weight and live a healthier lifestyle. 

Approximately 5 years ago my life changed, I was 50 pounds overweight, constantly out of breath, had low to no energy and my clothes were becoming more and more uncomfortable.  I found myself stuck and depressed.  I was lost, I had an aha moment and I realized,  I spent most of my time taking care of everyone else, and the person I neglected the most was myself.

I decided to join a gym and after several months I had very little results. I found there was no accountability, no support, and working out on the same cardio machines day after day was becoming boring. I became more and more hopeless and the old habits begin to creep back in.

I was unmotivated, undetermined, and was settling for the notion that my current health and condition were truly meant to be mine. I stepped out of my comfort zone and started taking this class called Tabata, and it became the love of my life. I had never really exercised in front of or with others but, I knew I had to do something different in order for change to happen. Every exercise was 20 seconds, the workout seemed to be doable and it challenged me. I started seeing results, feeling strong, gained more confidence and the weight started to come off.

Today, I have taught approximately 600 classes generating a following of individuals who desire to be healthier, want to get in shape, and also need support and motivation.    I am 50 pounds lighter, down from size 14/16 to size 6 at 19% body fat, and 80% muscle; But most importantly, I am stronger, better, happier, more focused and EVERYONE around me gets to reap those benefits. I have been able to maintain these results because not only did my fitness appetite change but so did my mindset – shifting to taking charge of my health became important to me – I am the only one who can impact my results – positive/negative. 

Not every day is easy, but one thing is for certain – it’s worth it.

And when I fall off the wagon, I know I can’t stay off so I jump up, dust myself off, and hop right back on.  I want to share/educate others about this healthy lifestyle “thing”. My passion is wanting to see others wanting and doing the same! My love for Tabata encouraged me to become an instructor. My love for people encouraged me to become a consultant and life coach!

I will support, encourage, mentor, motivate, inspire, educate you and be your biggest supporter as we take the journey together!